
1 – 2 aubergines

500g pre-prepared tomato sauce (sauté onions and garlic in olive oil. Add 1kg of ripe chopped tomatoes and one packet of date tomatoes to the pan (a small quantity of water may also be required). Add sea salt, a pinch of brown sugar, 1-2 fresh pepperoncini peppers, bay leaves and some Italian herbs such as oregano and basil. Allow to reduce on a low heat for at least an hour – stir from time to time with a wooden spoon)


1 jar of arrabiata sauce

1 jar of tomato puree

1-2 packets (dependant on size of baking tray, or rather the quantity owned) of vegan grated cheese for the gratin or

1-2 packets of grated mozzarella

Pizza/pasta spice mixture

Mixed pepper (from a pepper mill)

Olive oil


Pre-heat the oven to 230°C (if available, use the pizza setting or select upper and lower heat)

Wash and dry the aubergines and chop into thin slices.

Place onto baking paper

Generously spread with the homemade tomato sauce or

With the tomato puree and the arrabiata sauce

Top with vegan cheese or mozzarella

Season with the pizza/pasta spice mixture and pepper

Drizzle with a generous amount of olive oil

Cook in the lower part of the oven for approximately 15 – 20 minutes until golden brown

Good accompaniments include chickpeas, spelt pasta and green salad.

Aubergine Lasagna al Frowner
Add the aubergines to a gratin dish, creating three or four layers. Pre-heat the oven to 230°C. Cook for 5 – 10 minutes at 230°C and then for 30 – 40 minutes at 200°C.

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