Balanced nutrition on the road
When planning options are limited, healthy eating is a challenge. Fast food and sweets are everywhere. You have a tight time frame and often reach for food unnecessarily. Frequently, it is a vicious circle. Nevertheless, it is worth looking for alternatives and planning proactively. In the meantime, less harmful convenience products are available in many places. Some providers have recognised their customers' problems and are looking for a balanced range of products that meet the needs of travellers and daily customers and the requirements of a healthy diet. A balanced diet with limited planning options requires a lot of creativity, knowledge, and willingness to compromise. With the right attitude and a little preparation, it is possible to find a good balance.
There are studies and literature on balanced nutrition with limited planning options. For example, the eating behaviour of long-distance lorry drivers at motorway service stations has been investigated. The results showed that many would like healthier alternatives but would usually resort to fast food and sweets due to the limited range of products. Recommendations were made to service stations. Suppliers should enrich their product ranges with more fresh products and nutrient-rich foods. The motto is therefore: ‘On the go and still healthy’. Having some fruit, carrots and nuts in your bag is always a good idea. If possible, prepare a small meal in advance. Perhaps you now know of various outlets with a suitable, healthy range on the route. If necessary, communicate with suppliers and make your needs known. There are options for travellers to get healthier nutrition. Suppliers and consumers should use them. Research projects are attracting more and more attention.
Tips for healthy nutrition on the road:
At home, it is easier to eat a balanced and healthy diet. However, with a bit of planning, it is possible to eat healthily even when you are on the road. Sedentary work and long-distance driving do not stimulate fat metabolism. This makes it all the more important to eat healthy, light food.
White bread with spreads is often made with unhealthy fats and carbohydrates, so you should avoid sandwiches and pizza daily. Healthy dough and pasta made from chickpea or lentil flour are also available. The same goes for various crackers and waffles.
Fruits and vegetables have few calories but are still filling. They make healthy snacks that are easily transported, such as in various food storage boxes. A few drops of lemon over apples, pears, carrots, cucumbers, and courgettes will keep them looking fresh.
Vegetable sticks are quick to prepare. Finely chopped carrots, cucumbers, radishes, celery sticks or cherry tomatoes are ideal. A low-fat herb or pine nut dip goes well with them. Delicious smoothies are also available in many places. A few oat crackers go well with them.
Many types of muesli are available, or you can easily make your own. If you don't have a cooling option, add frozen berries to keep the muesli cool for longer. A slightly cool bag is inexpensive and takes up little space.
In general, it's essential to take your time when eating. Chewing consciously and eating slowly will help you feel full more quickly and protect your stomach. You should also not fill your stomach to the bursting point. Several small meals are easier to digest than one huge one. This way, you will also avoid feeling tired after eating and, not least, gaining excess weight. Drinking a large glass of water before each meal is also good.
A soup or fresh ginger tea stays warm in a thermos cup for a long time, making them welcome snacks not only in winter. There are few limits to personal creativity.
No rule without exception
Enjoyment is essential and correct, but that does not mean that healthy food does not offer enjoyment! However, anyone who rewards themselves with a pizza, chips, etc., once in a while has not lost out. Suppose you follow the above tips daily and exercise to boost your circulation and metabolism. You can occasionally enjoy a tasty meal in a restaurant or a fast-food outlet, but it shouldn't become a habit.
It is essential to change the behaviour that leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. Learn about measures such as increasing motivation, setting goals, and even self-monitoring. With a little initiative, eating healthily on the go is possible!