On the one hand, the market for socialised meat and cheese products is collapsing; on the other hand, very few people like to eat to the detriment of their health. People are rapidly changing their diets with health, quality of life and personal goals in mind. An omnivorous diet is unfavourable in this context. In other words, an animal-based diet includes a vegetarian lifestyle in many respects. Cheap milk has been harming both producers and consumers for decades. Likewise, the corresponding enjoyment is limited. In the meantime, there are numerous environmentally and correspondingly climate-friendly alternatives. Switching to a health-oriented, vegan diet would also reduce health insurance premiums shortly.
The degree of self-sufficiency in vegan agriculture can be increased considerably. Especially in German-speaking countries, i.e. in the middle of these latitudes, more water is available than in many other regions. Countries with abundant water resources could produce a lot of food on relatively little land within a reasonable period. This would also open up new opportunities for industry, IT and the ICT sector. Many interesting occupational fields could emerge. Quality and food controls could be carried out more comprehensively and precisely with long-term profit and benefit for all humankind. For example, the marketing effect for Switzerland could not be better because it would position itself as a climate-friendly country with health-oriented food production. In addition, vegan agriculture offers versatile fields of research and medical advances. The life expectancy of most people and, thus, the retirement age could increase significantly.
For the economy, vegan agriculture would be and is a blessing. The associated industry would have to upgrade just as sensibly for export. One could even achieve the status of “export world champion” in countries with sufficient water resources, leading to more prosperity for more people. The creation of basic income would no longer be an issue here, so the knowledge society would be further strengthened. Many industries would benefit in the long term. For example, people would no longer have to consume pesticide-contaminated rice from India. Rice produced in a health-oriented way would dominate the market. “Swiss glass noodles” would be a label. One could position oneself as a premium food supplier even in Asian countries. Unfortunately, there are further and again tendencies that other countries will realise this future-oriented agricultural conversion before countries of our latitude. This is because the Western industrialised nations are clinging to demonstrably wrong traditions. Then, and in the worst case, health-conscious people would have to buy their food from developing countries.
Tips for a health-oriented lifestyle:
- Omega 3 from, for example, linseed oil or algae is more beneficial than plastic-polluted fish from the oceans or farmed salmon contaminated with antibiotics.
- Younger generations will be able to open up new occupational fields, and more sense and health will also have a lasting positive influence on our GDP.
- Healthy soils, more forest areas thanks to more output and other economic benefits will lead to a more knowledgeable society.
- Valuable time is gained, and, as we all know, there is strength in peace. There would be more winners than losers if a mixed economy with many linkages were realised.
- It must make sense for blue chips to realise progress with SMEs. In this way, one should see the opportunities and exemplify and shape the mutual benefits.
1 Response to "Conversion from traditional agriculture and its processes to vegan, highly mechanised and automated agriculture could be achieved in a few years."
There really is a massive opportunity in the international trade of the food sector. The biggest challenge in engaging into the vegan agriculture is that since this is somehow unconventional, practising it would entail to be more tedious and effortful than sa usual ways. I’m not sure if the production is going to be more expensive but one is for sure, the gains are a lot more from the vegan agriculture than the usual, for both producers, consumers, and the economy, that is why the government should start helping by creating incentives, conducting studies and seminars, boosting the marketing to get more engagement and realise the healthy production.