
Mango puree with fresh orange juice and almond slivers

The mango fruit is of great cultural importance in India and is used in various healthcare applications, including haemostasis. The powder of ground mango seeds helps with diarrhoea, rheumatism, worm infestation, and even smallpox. The resin of the mango tree branches is said to be diaphoretic. For angina, the leaves are boiled, and the decoction is used to rinse the mouth and throat. It is also used for asthma, bronchitis, and toothache. In Europe, mango trees are mainly grown in Spain. The red-yellow-skinned fruit can be eaten raw or dried to decorate dishes or made into a delicious puree.

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Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum)

Raw chickpeas also contain the toxin Phasin, which belongs to the group of lectins. These protein compounds are found in many fruits and vegetables. They protect the plants from invading bugs. Raw beans have high levels of this toxin, especially raw kidney beans. Cooking breaks down phasing. Cooked chickpeas and other legumes are, therefore, safe.Like all pulses, dried chickpeas will keep for years if stored dry, away from light and in a cool place. Do not cook canned pulses or eat them after the expiration date.

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Vegan Lentil Curry

Lentils are low in calories and rich in fibre.People who follow a vegan diet in particular should ensure that they have a sufficient protein intake. With 23 g of protein per 100 g, lentils are one of the most high-protein foodstuffs. When combined with rice and grains, they provide all the important amino acids. Protein supports cell building and muscle growth and strengthens the endocrine and enzyme systems.Curry paste contains many healthy spices, it is easily digestible (no bloating or flatulence), it supports digestion and is anti-inflammatory.

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