
Boost your immune system and mood with oranges

In Europe, oranges are harvested from August (early varieties from Seville) to May (late variety from Tardivo di Sanvito, Sardinia). The most prominent orange-based product in global trade is orange juice, which mostly comes from Brazil and is traded in the form of concentrate (syrup). Fresh oranges have also become firmly established in the food industry in numerous countries. Oranges are often sold in an orange wrapper, a practice which used to be carried out for protective purposes but is now used as an advertising tool.

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Dates – the healthy substitute for sweets

The many healthy ingredients in dates can support the metabolism, the nervous system and the heart muscles and lower LDL cholesterol. According to various studies, B vitamins can have a calming effect on people suffering from nervousness and general restlessness. B vitamins are also known to lower blood pressure. Dates contain B3 and B5 vitamins. So, this fruit can also be enjoyed in the evening without any problems. This is also down to the fact that dates contain amino acids. For example, the amino acid tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. Tryptophan can be converted to melatonin. This hormone binds to nerve cells in the brain and can therefore also have a calming effect and relieve nervousness and insomnia.

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