
Fast, degradable, and climate-neutral – algae as a new bioplastic?

Heterotrophic bacteria such as Cupriavidus necator can already produce PHB bioplastic. These bacteria's energy source is the sugar obtained from crops. Cyanobacteria has a significant advantage in PHB production. To conclude, microalgae can fix sunlight and extract energy from it. As a result, PHB production is CO2-neutral. Indeed, it offers ethical and ecological advantages over using heterotrophic bacteria. PHB production by cyanobacteria is currently still in primary research mode. It could be years before it is ready for industrial utilisation. Last but not least, there is also the question of price. PHB production by heterotrophic bacteria is currently more cost-effective.

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Change Management with AI and Robotics

Thanks to the use of AI technology in agriculture, sustainable, environmentally friendly practices can be applied. The use of pesticides and water can be reduced and the long-term health and productivity of plants can be ensured. AI-powered robots can help farmers make data-driven decisions, optimise resource allocation and improve overall farm efficiency.

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We are putting the focus on the “essential and realisable”. Inspire ourselves and the environment.

Promoting a vegan lifestyle improves the quality of life in the long term. More people can be fed. Less farmland, as smaller yields must be spent on farm animals. Water quality improves. Resources generally become more abundant. Diseases of affluence will shrink. Health costs are lower, especially for people of retirement age. Enjoyment does not mean rewarding active leisure activities. Is consuming sweets and food containing bad fat after sports in nature a good idea? Who wants to feel worse after a holiday than before?

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Sustainable footprint with backward, forward, foresight and eco-friendly living!

Consequently, the best concepts are only helpful if we implement them. No one benefits sustainably from absurd wage structures. Nor in every case from large corporations or VAT-exempt industries. And actors from the state sector who want to avoid taking responsibility. Profit is not harmful per se. Nevertheless, permanent self-control and daily decisions require courage and common sense. Less is often more. Less wealth, for example, and energy scarcity could have positive effects. For instance, fewer overheated homes have positive impacts on health. It leads to an improved ability to think with increased productivity. More agility and knowledge enhance the decision-making competence.

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Frowner’s „Essences”

Not only currency differences or price increases can strain all our budgets. Often more can be achieved with selected tools. Operating in fewer areas can be worthwhile. In other words, having a perfect command of the relevant matters can be an advantage. One thus focuses on quality and does without unnecessary additions to external measures. One can pass on one's own experience for the benefit of others, in the best case, even sell it. With strategic organisation, one often recycles altruistically and gifts in many ways.

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Reduce, reflect, plan, and determine essences.

Combine exercise and sport with learning. Especially with practice or training, there are better phases to absorb information. They are processed in a solution-oriented way. Interval training is good for losing weight. It brings body and mind into different spheres. It is a chance for conscious reflection. To revisit thoughts written down and, if necessary, to optimise them. Generative AI notes can be audited. And, if necessary, even shared with the community. As is well known, the best ideas come from running.

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Saving – easier than earning?

Is it worthwhile to increase the quality of your personal output? You may place it on different channels, such as video and audio. More languages could be a consideration. Many people answer this question in the affirmative. However, from a personal perspective, this question is a two-sided sword. More is often more regarding evidence, chronological documentation, and emotional skills! One works efficiently by becoming faster and inevitably writing more. "Practice makes perfect", and this is for life. One can find access to many worlds through writing. Likewise, crucial details are easier to filter when you describe a problem in many ways. Most people find clarity in doing. Be it talking, writing, working or exchanging with others.

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Lavender Indoors

After travelling in the Mediterranean, one usually remembers the warm, sunny, dry climate. You also think of beautiful flowering lavender fields. Only some have a garden. But could lavender also thrive indoors in colder latitudes? Not all lavender plants are suitable for pots in the living room. Yet, some varieties are ideal for indoor use. These are so-called "dwarf lavender plants" such as "Goodwin Creek Grey" and "Munstead". A good choice is also "Little Lottie ", with fine pink flower tips. The French variety "Lavandula dentata" is also suitable as a pot plant.

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Important and good habits to find and maintain your top form in the long term

All exercises that stimulate the brain are suitable. Do them several times a day. This promotes the enjoyment of life and strengthens the focus. Concentrate on essential things. Working more on your plans, visions, and personal strategy is best. A sophisticated concept supports and cultivates active thinking in the long term. As is well known, the most senior people on this earth have the best routines.

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Buone abitudini importanti per tornare in forma e mantenerla a lungo termine

Vanno bene tutti gli esercizi che stimolano il cervello; falli più volte al giorno. Servono per imparare ad apprezzare i momenti della vita e per concentrarsi sulle cose che contano davvero. Fa bene creare piani per il futuro ed elaborare strategie di crescita personale. Un concetto sofisticato sostiene e coltiva il pensiero attivo a lungo termine. Come è noto, le persone più anziane sulla terra hanno le abitudini migliori, sono prudenti e in grado di pianificare il futuro per diversi anni.

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Brand, Label and Guarantee

Progressive supermarkets focus on the welfare of consumers and not on selling as many products as possible. But consumers can also make a big difference by using advances in digitalisation. Self-monitoring via apps, for example. Nevertheless, health apps with targeted information on smart shopping still need to be expanded or more present. This is not a matter of coincidence; much more of entrenched structures. We are still a long way from making life-affirming investments - in other words, investing the Swiss franc in a more economically and socially beneficial manner.

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Consuming dairy products and sweets every day?

Various substances in milk, such as hormones or substances that, in turn, stimulate the formation of certain hormones, have an impact on the body and skin. There is a connection between milk consumption and a higher risk of skin diseases, such as acne. This has been proven by several observational studies involving children, adolescents, and young adults between the ages of seven and 30. It’s found that this correlation became stronger the more milk is consumed. Although milk in coffee or muesli is an integral part of the majority's daily fare, animal products are resource- and energy-intensive. They require much more space and water, hence generating more greenhouse gases than plant-based foods.

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The Day of the Dead – We celebrate life!

Every year in many parts of Mexico, but especially in the traditional south of the country, revellers wear colourful costumes, hold pageants and parties, sing, dance and offer gifts to the departed. In 2008, UNESCO included the "Dia de los Muertos" in its representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Although the festivities are celebrated by almost all Mexicans today, they date back several thousand years to the region's indigenous people. In the cultures of the Aztecs, Maya and other peoples, mourning the dead was considered disrespectful. For them, death was a natural phase in the life cycle, and the deceased were symbolically kept alive in spirit and memories. During Hanal Pixán, as the Mayan festival is called, the souls of the dead are believed to return to the realm of the living temporarily.

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Ecological measures that help to preserve quality of life and the health of all living beings

Wind energy and photovoltaics can be combined in different ways and contribute to the reorientation of ecosystems. Cost considerations and opportunities have changed. Various national economies worldwide are working on integrating these new methods of energy production into their systems in a way that makes sense from both a social and a microeconomic point of view. In many places, such projects continue to progress slowly and do not yet allow the economy and ecology to harmonise as desired.

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