
“Saying no”

Saying ‘no’ works best when bad habits are replaced with good ones. Again, it's a matter of writing down what you would do instead of the bad habit when you're in the mood for it. Instead of a chocolate drink, for example, you could meditate for three minutes with ‘Headspace’. Your favourite crisps could be replaced with unroasted nuts. They can be lightly salted at the beginning to make the process easier.

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Vegan nutrition – a systematic approach

It may also be beneficial to periodically take notes to create a personal cookbook that will be a reliable source of inspiration. How we process food and prepare meals often serves as a wellspring of ideas. Intellectual contemplation resembles using a search engine, albeit with one significant distinction: the former frequently yields more enduring results.

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The importance of health in daily life

The personal mindset is a pivotal factor in this regard. It is imperative to acknowledge the significance of health, which is the foundation for all aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, professional goals, and personal fulfilment. Clear resolutions should be established. Health should be regarded as the top priority, and its pursuit should be paramount.

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Permanently smoke-free 2025?

Despite these well-documented benefits, many smokers find quitting to be a challenging endeavour. However, those who can successfully overcome this hurdle often cite a combination of determination and a clearly defined and acknowledged rationale for their attempt (Brown et al., 2020). The initial two months of abstinence are often the most difficult, but once this period is navigated, the chances of maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle increase significantly.

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Sustainable footprint with backward, forward, foresight and eco-friendly living!

Consequently, the best concepts are only helpful if we implement them. No one benefits sustainably from absurd wage structures. Nor in every case from large corporations or VAT-exempt industries. And actors from the state sector who want to avoid taking responsibility. Profit is not harmful per se. Nevertheless, permanent self-control and daily decisions require courage and common sense. Less is often more. Less wealth, for example, and energy scarcity could have positive effects. For instance, fewer overheated homes have positive impacts on health. It leads to an improved ability to think with increased productivity. More agility and knowledge enhance the decision-making competence.

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Ratatouille only in summer?

Domestic cherry tomatoes are still available. Large distributors stock peppers, courgettes, and aubergines almost until December or all year round. In January and February, seasonal vegetables are a good choice. A winter ratatouille, for example, can be cooked with onions, beetroot, black salsify, potatoes, carrots, and tinned tomatoes if necessary. The vegetables should be cooked appropriately. The frowny original ratatouille is well suited to pre-cooking and can be stored in the fridge for several days. The vegetable preparation is suitable for a small pizza, with spelt pasta or as a ‘thick soup’ boiled up with plenty of grated Parmesan (or vegan Parmesan if necessary).

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Stay healthy through the winter with cardamom-ginger tea

This spice from the Orient is also a remedy in Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese medicine. Cardamom has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. It also promotes blood circulation and digestion and has a cramp-relieving and diuretic effect. Cardamom is commercially cultivated in India, Southeast Asia, and Central America. Whole seed pods, seeds, and ground cardamom are traded. There is a green and black cardamom. You usually get the green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) in this country. Like galangal, ginger, and turmeric, cardamom is a member of the ginger family. The bushy plant can grow metres high in tropical areas. When grown in pots, it can reach a height of about one metre. The seeds are harvested and dried before they fall out of the capsule.

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With an eye to depth

The association with the cult figure Dagon could be employed in marketing campaigns for vegan products to emphasise topics such as abundance (overproduction) and sustainable fertility. Labels are a potential avenue for illustrating the interconnection between historical agricultural practices and contemporary plant-based nutrition. Incorporating Dagon mythology can enhance the appeal of vegan products by elucidating the historical importance of plant-based nutrition in ancient cultures.

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Inspiring teachings for reflection

The universal scholar Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an anatomist, architect, builder, sculptor, engineer, painter, mechanic, naturalist, natural philosopher, and illustrator. As his quote about nature suggests, when reading his writings and quotations, you may well frown and bow your head in reverence.

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