Man is a “creature of habit”. Is everyday behaviour also conducive to good health? Even lifestyles that have been in place for decades, some anchored, need a change or two. Because times are changing. Many everyday behaviours are essential, and it is good to cultivate them. Even so, now and then, a personal, written review of one's habits can be valuable.

Wait to eat until noon (only drink) and schedule a cardio workout early every day.

This habit can increase personal productivity. Besides the critical growth hormone, positive effects and processes will occur. For example, you will also activate brain function and personal power in this way. With algae-based omega three oil, you even create ketones daily. Ketones are well known for brain maintenance. Ketosis processes or a ketogenic diet need more time and effort. Also, a ketogenic diet is well possible as a vegan.

Moreover, this habit has a cleansing effect on the body and strengthens the immune system. Ketones improve the appearance of the skin, and it is not that difficult to get them. You need more knowledge and experience for whole fasting days or weeks. Good preparation or a guided group could be helpful. Avoid negative experiences in the fasting process by doing your research. This way, fasting becomes a part of life you don't want to miss.

With a focus on healthy meal preparation, skip frying and baking.

Concentrate on steaming, braising, boiling or raw vegetables. Combine stews with salads at most. Oil-free or sauces with linseed oil, seed oils or algae derivatives. They have better omega-three ratios and go well with a vegetable mix, tofu, nuts, seeds and kernels. It does and tastes good! Simple preparation can also mean top cuisine. Health first, then taste without sacrificing anything. Apple cider vinegar varieties help the intestines and weight management and are body-cleansing. Sauces prepared in this healthy way are suitable for everyday use.

Furthermore, they help every canteen to attract loyal, enthusiastic customers. The meal should still be beneficial if you don't cook for yourself. By the way, we should not associate fast food as a treat for the palate, much less detrimental to health! This can help save health insurance premiums and your wallet in the long term.

Daily writing promotes the thinking organs and keeps them fit.

All exercises that stimulate the brain are suitable. Do them several times a day. This promotes the enjoyment of life and strengthens the focus. Concentrate on essential things. Working more on your plans, visions, and personal strategy is best. A sophisticated concept supports and cultivates active thinking in the long term. As is well known, the most senior people on this earth have the best routines. They are cautious and able to plan several years into the future. The bottom line is that planning, practised implementation, and consistent persistence are critical. Implementing a strategy you can and want to for many years is a good idea. Be surprised by the results success. It is human nature to want to achieve even more once everything goes well.

Set yourself goals every week.

You are painting a picture like Picasso, “reinventing” Mozart or skill up somewhere. Where could you perform more often and then use this performance in everyday life? How could you succeed in inspiring others? Writing a book or several can be easier if you keep a blog and share the texts with readers. Whether non-fiction, fiction or literature of all kinds – you are spoilt for choice. In any case, reading becomes more enjoyable when you write and research yourself.

Who wouldn't like to be an entrepreneur or their boss?

Especially in educated societies, far too much potential lies fallow. It might be worthwhile to schedule “a personal entrepreneurial day” here and there. Could I build up a second leg to stand on? How much effort do you need? Can you build something special, practical, outside your comfort zone? What inspires me in the long term? What do I want to do within my lifetime? Can I communicate my pitch or goals to others?

Say no and leave out.

What is not helpful or even harmful? Do I need a car all year round? Would a car subscription or mobility option be a solution? Would cycling in everyday life be more beneficial? How could one become less dependent on public transport? Can you minimise personal infrastructure or use it with others? Do you need many partners and employees, or is doing as much as possible yourself more lucrative? Do you need your own office every day and all day? Would a flexible division of the typical working day with a shared office and on the road be possible? Could this even be beneficial for productivity and health?

Stirnrunzler's tip: Write down what visions and plans could mean for you. Share and exchange with others. Use AI to make more qualitative and quantitative progress by learning more.

    5 replies to "Important and good habits to find and maintain your top form in the long term"

    • Justin

      I wanted to share my thoughts on the blog post about maintaining top form in the long term. While I appreciate the suggestions given, it’s important to approach them with caution and consider individual differences.
      Intermittent fasting and early cardio workouts may not be suitable for everyone. Personalized guidance is crucial when considering dietary changes like a vegan ketogenic diet. Finding a balanced approach and considering diverse aspirations is key. Let’s embrace a well-rounded perspective on well-being that respects individual circumstances and preferences.

    • Bernard Princess

      We’ve been thought that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Are you saying this is a myth and a healthy lifestyle means skipping breakfast?

      • Frowner

        It depends on your circumstances. It can lower your cognitive performance early on in the day. When you perform a workout after your breakfast, then it can be beneficial for your day. Adjusting your eating according to your goals and habits could be a good idea. Furthermore, consider eating periods, which focus more on health.

    • Bernard Princess

      *I meant to say taught, not thought

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