I wish to go through life with plenty of energy. This wish motivates me to lead a healthy life and write. I would like to inspire readers of this blog to, for example, find a new source of power in healthy nutrition. In principle, I write about any topic that engages or interests me.

Success and joie de vivre often go hand in hand with change. In the first phase of my evolution, I chose to implement simple, manageable strategies that were geared towards making positive improvements. In time, this can lead to the development of complex ideas.

Some of the key themes addressed in this blog are fasting, sleep hygiene, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness. Setting goals is a consistently crucial aspect. The topics of the articles are chosen and arranged diversely.

I think it is possible to change one's views overnight, or at least some of them. Significant lifestyle changes such as a diet change or fasting period require time, effort, willpower and resilience. I often reference the “why?” question or the meaning behind one's actions. Ever since I began to concern myself with the meaning of life and the many “why?” questions, a new, exciting and healthy path opened up. For many years, I have viewed health as more important than material success.

Fundamentally, above all, it attempts to provide an avenue for communication and the exchange of experiences, mindsets, and discoveries that are trailblazing and purposeful. It is an experiment. It is not a channel for perfect articles or videos but a platform for ideas and exchange.