

A balanced and varied vegan diet can provide all the nutrients needed for good health. Essential amino acids, healthy fats and proteins are included. Studies show that a well-planned vegan diet contains the nutrients for good health. In addition, a vegan diet can have an extremely positive impact on the environment. Thus, society can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption. Moreover, it decreases soil degradation and deforestation. Finally, it can improve the health of society accordingly.

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Change Management with AI and Robotics

Thanks to the use of AI technology in agriculture, sustainable, environmentally friendly practices can be applied. The use of pesticides and water can be reduced and the long-term health and productivity of plants can be ensured. AI-powered robots can help farmers make data-driven decisions, optimise resource allocation and improve overall farm efficiency.

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Sufficient rest is just as important for physical health. During sleep, hormones that regulate metabolism and immune function are released. According to the National Institutes of Health, chronic sleep deprivation causes health problems. Moreover, it promotes diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Plentiful sunlight and rest are essential for health and well-being. Mood and vitamin D levels are positively influenced. Adequate rest and sleep improve cognitive functions, physical health, and general well-being.

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Shilajit and Moringa

Shilajit and moringa have been used in traditional natural medicine for centuries. They recently gained popularity due to their potential health benefits. Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance found in the rocks of the Himalayan mountains. In Ayurvedic medicine, the ancient remedy treats many health problems. Including chronic fatigue, debility and old age. Fulvic acid (natural humus component), humic acid and minerals are abundant in shilajit.

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Healthy, Vegan Omega 3 Snacks

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for good health. They strengthen brain function and heart health and generally ensure general well-being. Fish is one of the best-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids. But there are also many plant-based alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Here are a few healthy options for omega-3-rich snacks to nourish the body and mind.

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Frowner’s Christmas Menu

Vegan and healthy without sacrificing flavour. Short days and the festive season is just around the corner. You can prepare for a relaxing time before cosy get-togethers or just for yourself. Be inspired by Stinrrunzler's budget-friendly Christmas menu. It can easily be created in advance.

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Muscle power, iron and beta-carotene in one pan

In the Middle Ages, spinach (Spinacia oleracea) travelled from the Near and Middle East to Spain. I was soon known and appreciated throughout Europe. The green leaves can be used in various ways. For example, in salads (baby spinach leaves), soups, smoothies and different vegetable preparations. Often, the healthy, green splash of colour. Like almost all vegetables, spinach is also a medicinal plant. Many studies emphasise its diverse composition of nutrients. Secondary plant substances, minerals and vitamins are anti-inflammatory. In addition, they combat iron deficiency, hypometabolic disorders, cancer and depression.

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Keep your belt tight enough

When sitting, a tight belt, in particular, puts pressure on the stomach. This can result in circulatory and even digestive problems. Furthermore, it can unpleasantly impact the quality of life. For example, the digestive process is delayed. Skirts or trousers can constrict the abdominal area. This leads to flatulence, stomach pressure and even stomach pain. In the worst case, clothing that is too tight can even restrict the sphincter muscle of the stomach. Moreover, it allows stomach acid to leak into the oesophagus. It results in gastro-oesophageal reflux. This is characterised by a burning sensation and itching in the chest and throat.

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Recognising, understanding and applying the healing power of plants

Do plants have a soul? This has been and still is the subject of widespread scientific debate. Various cultures report that they do. Plants are the most important food sources of all. They are also a gift of nature to humankind in their radiance. Experience their inexhaustible healing power. Most people have now realised how vital it is to live harmoniously with nature. Healthcare costs have skyrocketed all around us. And at a rapid pace. In many places, healthcare systems are almost collapsing. However, the many reasons for this are different from the subject of this article. Instead, the aim is to draw attention to self-knowledge or self-responsibility. Harness the help available from nature.

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Light diet

Alkaline nutrition for detoxification, deacidification or bowel cleansing can be integrated into everyday life without too much effort. Fresh foods are valuable here. The call to avoid ready-made products is becoming louder in specialist circles. When the stomach and intestines rebel, herbs, teas, and herbal mother tinctures help, which is well documented. In such cases, you should also concentrate on pureed or finely chopped food, favour light, fat-free meals, and avoid animal products. Use less spicy seasoning and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

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The autumnal blaze of colour brought to your plate

Wild cabbage was originally native to the coasts of France and southern England. The simple leafy cabbages were cultivated. In the Middle Ages, the first cabbage was grown. Various types of cabbage were subsequently used. The red cabbage "Rubeae caules" was first described by Hildegard von Bingen. It was long regarded as a staple part of the diet of the population of Central Europe. However, the increasing import of vegetables pushed the power vegetable off the menu.

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Apples with red flesh

A little feast for the eyes, the cut of a "Kissabel" apple. The flesh is pink to purple. Red-skinned apples would have a higher health value, provided the skin is also eaten. Thus, producers consider apple varieties showing red tones in the flesh particularly promising. Such cultivars are interesting because red-coloured plant substances are effective "cancer inhibitors". Thus, apple varieties of different red-fleshed types studied have proven advantageous. Red apples with red flesh could develop into new "functional foods" or "superfoods". The concentration of polyphenolic compounds is subject to more significant fluctuations.

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We are putting the focus on the “essential and realisable”. Inspire ourselves and the environment.

Promoting a vegan lifestyle improves the quality of life in the long term. More people can be fed. Less farmland, as smaller yields must be spent on farm animals. Water quality improves. Resources generally become more abundant. Diseases of affluence will shrink. Health costs are lower, especially for people of retirement age. Enjoyment does not mean rewarding active leisure activities. Is consuming sweets and food containing bad fat after sports in nature a good idea? Who wants to feel worse after a holiday than before?

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Sustainable footprint with backward, forward, foresight and eco-friendly living!

Consequently, the best concepts are only helpful if we implement them. No one benefits sustainably from absurd wage structures. Nor in every case from large corporations or VAT-exempt industries. And actors from the state sector who want to avoid taking responsibility. Profit is not harmful per se. Nevertheless, permanent self-control and daily decisions require courage and common sense. Less is often more. Less wealth, for example, and energy scarcity could have positive effects. For instance, fewer overheated homes have positive impacts on health. It leads to an improved ability to think with increased productivity. More agility and knowledge enhance the decision-making competence.

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Living healthily and actively growing older

Last but not least, a certain lateral thinking is expected. With such perspectives, some worry about their status and position. They also want to make money fast. This often causes imperfect markets, aggressive selling, and fear of competition. One vision would be that teachers would and could act as entrepreneurs simultaneously. They would have to use their financial resources. Only some things are detrimental within all economic and state structures. Politics, the state economy, and financial management often have too many incentives. This can harm society in the long run.

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Varied vegan diet

Vegans consume less unhealthy saturated fats and more dietary fibre and phytochemicals. Lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood can help you live longer. The body does not lack any nutrients in a healthy, balanced vegan diet. Proteins are essential but are not only found in meat. A vegan diet with pulses, nuts and whole grains is a good source of protein. A vegan diet is particularly well supplied with folic acid and vitamin C.

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