
The autumnal blaze of colour brought to your plate

Wild cabbage was originally native to the coasts of France and southern England. The simple leafy cabbages were cultivated. In the Middle Ages, the first cabbage was grown. Various types of cabbage were subsequently used. The red cabbage "Rubeae caules" was first described by Hildegard von Bingen. It was long regarded as a staple part of the diet of the population of Central Europe. However, the increasing import of vegetables pushed the power vegetable off the menu.

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Apples with red flesh

A little feast for the eyes, the cut of a "Kissabel" apple. The flesh is pink to purple. Red-skinned apples would have a higher health value, provided the skin is also eaten. Thus, producers consider apple varieties showing red tones in the flesh particularly promising. Such cultivars are interesting because red-coloured plant substances are effective "cancer inhibitors". Thus, apple varieties of different red-fleshed types studied have proven advantageous. Red apples with red flesh could develop into new "functional foods" or "superfoods". The concentration of polyphenolic compounds is subject to more significant fluctuations.

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We are putting the focus on the “essential and realisable”. Inspire ourselves and the environment.

Promoting a vegan lifestyle improves the quality of life in the long term. More people can be fed. Less farmland, as smaller yields must be spent on farm animals. Water quality improves. Resources generally become more abundant. Diseases of affluence will shrink. Health costs are lower, especially for people of retirement age. Enjoyment does not mean rewarding active leisure activities. Is consuming sweets and food containing bad fat after sports in nature a good idea? Who wants to feel worse after a holiday than before?

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Sustainable footprint with backward, forward, foresight and eco-friendly living!

Consequently, the best concepts are only helpful if we implement them. No one benefits sustainably from absurd wage structures. Nor in every case from large corporations or VAT-exempt industries. And actors from the state sector who want to avoid taking responsibility. Profit is not harmful per se. Nevertheless, permanent self-control and daily decisions require courage and common sense. Less is often more. Less wealth, for example, and energy scarcity could have positive effects. For instance, fewer overheated homes have positive impacts on health. It leads to an improved ability to think with increased productivity. More agility and knowledge enhance the decision-making competence.

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Living healthily and actively growing older

Last but not least, a certain lateral thinking is expected. With such perspectives, some worry about their status and position. They also want to make money fast. This often causes imperfect markets, aggressive selling, and fear of competition. One vision would be that teachers would and could act as entrepreneurs simultaneously. They would have to use their financial resources. Only some things are detrimental within all economic and state structures. Politics, the state economy, and financial management often have too many incentives. This can harm society in the long run.

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Varied vegan diet

Vegans consume less unhealthy saturated fats and more dietary fibre and phytochemicals. Lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood can help you live longer. The body does not lack any nutrients in a healthy, balanced vegan diet. Proteins are essential but are not only found in meat. A vegan diet with pulses, nuts and whole grains is a good source of protein. A vegan diet is particularly well supplied with folic acid and vitamin C.

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Pumpkin soup with ginger, curry and turmeric

Caution should be exercised with home-grown pumpkins. In addition to back mutations, unintentional cross-breeding with pumpkin plants can occur. Like ornamental pumpkins or wild pumpkin plants, the latter contain so-called cucurbitacins. These can lead to poisoning symptoms, such as diarrhoea, palpitations and nausea. Bitter-tasting pumpkins should, therefore, not be used in the kitchen. Better dispose of them sensefully.

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Frowner’s „Essences”

Not only currency differences or price increases can strain all our budgets. Often more can be achieved with selected tools. Operating in fewer areas can be worthwhile. In other words, having a perfect command of the relevant matters can be an advantage. One thus focuses on quality and does without unnecessary additions to external measures. One can pass on one's own experience for the benefit of others, in the best case, even sell it. With strategic organisation, one often recycles altruistically and gifts in many ways.

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Cabbage Stalk Chard Goosefoot Plant

Simple or varied preparation; The vegetable is not too demanding in terms of preparation. You can follow spinach recipes. The cabbage stalk is already a delicate side dish. They are steamed in some oil, a little water with sea salt and cayenne pepper. Or blanched in lightly salted water. It is vital to ensure the stems are broiled before the leaves.

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Le fruit était déjà utilisé par les Aztèques et dans des civilisations avancées telles que les Mayas. Néanmoins, l'origine exacte reste à déterminer. Cependant, les premières traces remontent au sud des États-Unis, où la tomate était cultivée en 200 av. J.-C. Christophe Colomb a ramené quelques plants en Europe lors de son deuxième voyage en Amérique en 1498. À cette époque, l'Espagne, l'Italie et le Portugal avaient des conditions de croissance idéales.

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Ragù Vegano a Base di Piselli

Nonostante appartenga alla famiglia delle Solanaceae, il pomodoro è molto salutare: il licopene (la sostanza dal colore rosso che gli dà il caratteristico colore) è addirittura considerato un potente antiossidante contro le malattie croniche. Un esempio potrebbe essere il cancro. Anche se i pomodori sono composti per il 95% da acqua, contengono vari nutrienti e le vitamine A, C e K. Inoltre, i nutrienti nei pomodori sono benefici per il corpo e si ritiene possano prevenire i problemi cardiaci. Vale la pena menzionare anche i pomodori quando si tratta di perdere peso: un pomodoro cuore di bue (200 grammi) contiene 38 chilocalorie, mentre un pomodoro ciliegino (20 grammi) ne ha solo 4.

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Reduce, reflect, plan, and determine essences.

Combine exercise and sport with learning. Especially with practice or training, there are better phases to absorb information. They are processed in a solution-oriented way. Interval training is good for losing weight. It brings body and mind into different spheres. It is a chance for conscious reflection. To revisit thoughts written down and, if necessary, to optimise them. Generative AI notes can be audited. And, if necessary, even shared with the community. As is well known, the best ideas come from running.

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Taking care of the body’s purification system

Kidneys need warmth. It is not without reason that motorcyclists, for example, wear a kidney belt. It is advisable to protect the kidney area in summer and winter. Vests are an issue. Sleeping naked is generally a problem because you don't notice when and where your body gets cold. Tying a light jumper around your waist in rooms with air-conditioning is advisable. Even in summer and refrain from consuming drinks from the fridge.

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Saving – easier than earning?

Is it worthwhile to increase the quality of your personal output? You may place it on different channels, such as video and audio. More languages could be a consideration. Many people answer this question in the affirmative. However, from a personal perspective, this question is a two-sided sword. More is often more regarding evidence, chronological documentation, and emotional skills! One works efficiently by becoming faster and inevitably writing more. "Practice makes perfect", and this is for life. One can find access to many worlds through writing. Likewise, crucial details are easier to filter when you describe a problem in many ways. Most people find clarity in doing. Be it talking, writing, working or exchanging with others.

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Lavender Indoors

After travelling in the Mediterranean, one usually remembers the warm, sunny, dry climate. You also think of beautiful flowering lavender fields. Only some have a garden. But could lavender also thrive indoors in colder latitudes? Not all lavender plants are suitable for pots in the living room. Yet, some varieties are ideal for indoor use. These are so-called "dwarf lavender plants" such as "Goodwin Creek Grey" and "Munstead". A good choice is also "Little Lottie ", with fine pink flower tips. The French variety "Lavandula dentata" is also suitable as a pot plant.

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