
Chickpeas are perfect for delicious snacks

Chickpeas are a powerhouse of dietary fibre. They play a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels, protecting the blood vessels, and aiding digestion. This fibre also swells, making you feel full more quickly, which can help in weight management. Regular consumption of this legume can significantly reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes, making it a smart choice for your health. Preparing chickpeas is simple and rewarding. They are soaked overnight and boiled in water enriched with sea salt for around twenty minutes. A sprinkle of chilli flakes can add a hint of spice if desired. This easy preparation method ensures that you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of chickpeas without any hassle.
by Frowner

Fast, degradable, and climate-neutral – algae as a new bioplastic?

Heterotrophic bacteria such as Cupriavidus necator can already produce PHB bioplastic. These bacteria's energy source is the sugar obtained from crops. Cyanobacteria has a significant advantage in PHB production. To conclude, microalgae can fix sunlight and extract energy from it. As a result, PHB production is CO2-neutral. Indeed, it offers ethical and ecological advantages over using heterotrophic bacteria. PHB production by cyanobacteria is currently still in primary research mode. It could be years before it is ready for industrial utilisation. Last but not least, there is also the question of price. PHB production by heterotrophic bacteria is currently more cost-effective.
by Frowner

Recognising, understanding and applying the healing power of plants

Do plants have a soul? This has been and still is the subject of widespread scientific debate. Various cultures report that they do. Plants are the most important food sources of all. They are also a gift of nature to humankind in their radiance. Experience their inexhaustible healing power. Most people have now realised how vital it is to live harmoniously with nature. Healthcare costs have skyrocketed all around us. And at a rapid pace. In many places, healthcare systems are almost collapsing. However, the many reasons for this are different from the subject of this article. Instead, the aim is to draw attention to self-knowledge or self-responsibility. Harness the help available from nature.
by Frowner

Living healthily and actively growing older

Last but not least, a certain lateral thinking is expected. With such perspectives, some worry about their status and position. They also want to make money fast. This often causes imperfect markets, aggressive selling, and fear of competition. One vision would be that teachers would and could act as entrepreneurs simultaneously. They would have to use their financial resources. Only some things are detrimental within all economic and state structures. Politics, the state economy, and financial management often have too many incentives. This can harm society in the long run.
by Frowner

Fresh apple puree with vanilla ice cream made from oat milk

Applesauce can be used to create beautiful desserts. For example, warm apple puree with vanilla ice cream. Vanilla cream or vanilla quark, baked rolled up in puff pastry. Or an apple tiramisu: Cover the bottom of a glass dish with apple puree. Place a layer of ladyfingers on top and cover with vanilla quark whipped cream mixture (vegan). Add another layer of applesauce, then another layer of ladyfingers. Finish with the vanilla quark and whipped cream mixture. Cover and refrigerate at least overnight. Fry almond slivers or slices in a frying pan until golden brown and sprinkle over the top when serving.
by Frowner


Le fruit était déjà utilisé par les Aztèques et dans des civilisations avancées telles que les Mayas. Néanmoins, l'origine exacte reste à déterminer. Cependant, les premières traces remontent au sud des États-Unis, où la tomate était cultivée en 200 av. J.-C. Christophe Colomb a ramené quelques plants en Europe lors de son deuxième voyage en Amérique en 1498. À cette époque, l'Espagne, l'Italie et le Portugal avaient des conditions de croissance idéales.
by Frowner

Boloñesa Vegana a Base de Guisantes

Aunque los tomates están compuestos en un 95 por ciento de agua, contienen varios nutrientes. Los tomates son ricos en vitaminas A, C y K. Además, los nutrientes presentes en los tomates son beneficiosos para el cuerpo. Incluso podrían prevenir problemas cardíacos. También vale la pena mencionar los tomates cuando se trata de perder peso. Un tomate grande (200 gramos) contiene 38 kilocalorías, y un tomate cherry (20 gramos) 4 kilocalorías.
by Frowner

Reduce, reflect, plan, and determine essences.

Combine exercise and sport with learning. Especially with practice or training, there are better phases to absorb information. They are processed in a solution-oriented way. Interval training is good for losing weight. It brings body and mind into different spheres. It is a chance for conscious reflection. To revisit thoughts written down and, if necessary, to optimise them. Generative AI notes can be audited. And, if necessary, even shared with the community. As is well known, the best ideas come from running.
by Frowner

Lavender Indoors

After travelling in the Mediterranean, one usually remembers the warm, sunny, dry climate. You also think of beautiful flowering lavender fields. Only some have a garden. But could lavender also thrive indoors in colder latitudes? Not all lavender plants are suitable for pots in the living room. Yet, some varieties are ideal for indoor use. These are so-called "dwarf lavender plants" such as "Goodwin Creek Grey" and "Munstead". A good choice is also "Little Lottie ", with fine pink flower tips. The French variety "Lavandula dentata" is also suitable as a pot plant.
by Frowner

Les bonnes habitudes à adopter pour retrouver et maintenir sa forme à long terme

Tous les exercices qui sollicitent le cerveau sont recommandés. Pratiquez-les plusieurs fois par jour. Cela favorise le bien-être et renforce la concentration. Concentrez-vous sur l'essentiel. Il est préférable de travailler davantage sur vos projets, vos aspirations et votre stratégie personnelle. Un plan élaboré soutient et encourage une réflexion active à long terme.
by Frowner

Frowner’s Apple Strudel

Add apples, lemon or orange juice, cinnamon, and raw sugar, and lightly fry/steam (approximately 5 minutes, depending on quantity) until the escaping liquid evaporates. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the grated hazelnuts, almonds, and sultanas. Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Place a sheet of strudel pastry on a clean kitchen towel and place 2 tbsp filling on the bottom edge. Fold in the side edges and carefully roll up the sheet, starting at the filling. Place seam side down on a baking tray and brush with oil. Do the same with the other sheets until the filling is used up.
by Frowner

More independence with weight loss

Stews: Vegetables, lentils, potatoes, chickpeas, various trimmings and seasonings can be combined in many ways and are easy to prepare. Tip: use a large pan, even in a single household, portion the stew and freeze. With creativity, you can eat healthy and varied food for several days, saving money and time, such as tofu, salad or hummus side dishes. For instance, cauliflower can be prepared in many different ways. Inspirations at stirnrunzler.com. Cauliflower gently cooked in the oven or cauliflower pizza.
by Frowner

A Kiwi per Day Supplies the Recommended Daily Vit C

After the kiwi became established in the European fruit markets during the 1970s, its consumption increased almost a hundredfold within ten years. Nevertheless, a well-known gastronomy critic described the kiwi as a "tasteless softie". Not entirely understandable when you consider the health components but also the careful preparations of the fruit.
by Frowner

Caraway – a spice, a culinary delight, and a medicine all in one

Always carrying caraway on you is cheaper and preventative, especially if you have to eat out. Almost every salad is easier to digest if you sprinkle some caraway seeds on it. It is, of course, particularly digestible when served with all types of cabbage and pulses, and it is a special treat when sprinkled on raw beetroot, carrot and celery salads. Caraway also goes well with cheese and potatoes. If you love cheese fondue, you can do without the schnapps afterwards with caraway, or you can go straight for caraway schnapps (a popular spirit, especially in northern Germany). This tangy spice can also be used in sauces, soups, bread, and savoury cakes and pastries.
by Frowner

The Day of the Dead – We celebrate life!

Every year in many parts of Mexico, but especially in the traditional south of the country, revellers wear colourful costumes, hold pageants and parties, sing, dance and offer gifts to the departed. In 2008, UNESCO included the "Dia de los Muertos" in its representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Although the festivities are celebrated by almost all Mexicans today, they date back several thousand years to the region's indigenous people. In the cultures of the Aztecs, Maya and other peoples, mourning the dead was considered disrespectful. For them, death was a natural phase in the life cycle, and the deceased were symbolically kept alive in spirit and memories. During Hanal Pixán, as the Mayan festival is called, the souls of the dead are believed to return to the realm of the living temporarily.
by Frowner

The apple (malus domestic) – a fruit that has a long history, is healthy and offers a wide range of culinary options

The apple tree, which comes from the rose family, is now one of the native precious woods. However, it originally came from Central and West Asia. The apple reached northern Europe from Italy during the campaigns of the Romans around 100 BC. Apples were cultivated in Europe as early as the first century AD but remained a "luxury" fruit until modern times. This is demonstrated by both the symbolism attached to them throughout history and their mystical status in fairy tales.
by Frowner